District Zakat Officer (BPS-17)
Zakat and Ushr Department Punjab (2014)   
1.  Zakat and Ushr Ordinance was issued in_____            20 June 1980
2.  The Prime Objective of Zakat and Ushr is________            to assist the needy
3.  Zakat and Ushr Ordinance______            Can be challenged in the Supreme Court
4.  No zakat shall be charged and collected from a person who is_____            All of these
5.  The amount of Zakat deducted is credited in Account______            08-Central Zakat Fund
6.  The actual disbursement of Zakat is made through________            Local Zakat Committees (LZCs)
7.  The Ministry of Religious Affairs. Zakat & Ushr (MORA) allocates funds to the provinces on the basis of            a percentage of the population
8.  Zakat is distributed among______            All of these
9.  In Punjab. there are _______ District Zakat Committees (DSCs)            35
10.  What is Ushr for the Muslim farmers______ ushr is for non-Muslims?            Kharaj
11.  Ushr is not charged if the land is _____ of an acre.            1/4
12.  Ushr is collected in____            cash
13.  _____ appoints the auditors. to carry out audit of the Central Zakat Fund            The Central Council
14.  _____ appoints the auditors to carry out audit of the Provincial Zakat Fund            The Provincial Council
15.  Central Zakat Council consists of______ Ulema.            3
16.  Who is the Secretary General of Central Zakat Council?            Administrator General
17.  The age of women members of the Central Zakat Council shall not be less than_______ years.            45
18.  Local Zakat and Ushr Committee consists of______ members.            9
19.  All members of the Zakat & Ushr Councils & Committees are_____            Muslims
20.  Representative of women in Local Committee is______            2
21.  Wealth invested in trade of the amount of 200 dirhems, was subject to a Zakat of ____ dirhems, during the early period of Islam.            5
22.  Which animal, of the following, is not taxable for Zakat?            Elephant
23.  Camels less than _______are Zakat free as established by the Holy Prophet (PBUH).            5
24.  Sheep and goats less than_____ are Zakat free.            40
25.  Pasturing Oxen, less than______ are Zakat free.            30
26.  Zakat on horses was levied during the period of_________            Hazrat Umar (RA)
27.  Honey, if an article of trade. is taxable of _____ % Zakat            10
28.  Zakat of Id-ul-Fitr (Fairnaa) is applicable on newborn infants w e f._____            born on 'Chanel raat'
29.  Fatrana on Muslims, newly converted to the Faith is______            compulsory
30.  Who is supposed to pay Fatrana of minor children?            father
31.  For the orphaned child. without wealth. responsibility of payment of Fatrana lies on_____            man or women on whom he depends
32.  Zakat of Eid ul Fitr of insane person is_____            not compulsory
33.  Which kind of food is acceptable for payment of Fitrana?            all of these
34.  Whether food stuffs of bad quality can be offered as Fatrana”?            certainly not
35.  When Zakat of ld-ul-Fitr must be satisfied at the latest?            sunrise of the Id day
36.  Which category of the following can be given Zakat?            all of these
37.  Ushr on land produced during the period of Holy Prophet (Peace by Upon Him) was collected at________ it watered by a stream or rain.            10%
38.  Lands watered by buckets. during the period of Holy Prophet (Peace by Upon Him) were taxed_____            5%
39.  Which category of the following is/are entitled for Zakat?            all of these
40.  Who has the authority to exempt any person from Zakat In an Islamic State?            none of these
41.  What is the maximum water storage level of Mangla darn?            1242 feet
42.  To what extent water storage level of Mangla dam was raised recently?            30 feet
43.  What percentage of the UK citizens voted for independence of Scotland?            55%
44.  ______ was appointed as the first C-in-C of the Pakistan Army after the independence.            Masservy
45.  ______was appointed as the first Governor of Punjab after the independence            Francis Mudie
46.  Islamabad became capital of Pakistan in_____            1960
47.  Baluchistan acquired the status of a province in_____            1970
48.  First session of the 1st Constituent Assembly of Pakistan was held on_____            11 August 1947
49.  The length of coast of Pakistan is miles.            750
50.  The Objectives Resolution was passed in ____            March 1949
51.  Pakistan joined the Defence Pacts with the Anglo-American Bloc in_____            1954
52.  Quaid-i-Azam resigned from the membership of the Indian National Congress in____            1920
53.  About whom Quaid-i-Azam had stated that he was his Chief Lieutenant and Right hand?            Liagat Ali Khan
54.  Who was the first President of Pakistan?            Sikander Mirza
55.  Bicameral system of the legislature was introduced in Pakistan under the____ Constitution            1973
56.  Islam was declared as a state Religion in the______ Constitution            1973
57.  Who was the Civilian Chief Martial Administrator in Pakistan?            Z.A Bhutto
58.  Pakistan became a member of NAM in___            1979
59.  The first Constitution of Pakistan was abrogated by            Iskander Mirza
60.  Who used the word of Pakistan when the Lahore Resolution was passed?            Begum Maulana Muahmmad Ali Johar
61.  Pirpur Report was presented by_____            Raja Syed Ahmed Medhi
62.  Pakistan joined the Atomic Club on ___            28 May 1998
63.  Women joined All India Muslim League in_____            1937
64.  Who was Cyrel Radcliffe?            Lawyer
65.  Which country recognized Pakistan first after its Independence?            Iran
66.  Forests in Pakistan are______ %of its total territorial area.            3.6
67.  The first recipient of Nishan-e-Haider in Pakistan, was_____            Sarwar
68.  Integration of West Pakistan (one-unit) was made in            1955
69.  The author of the National Anthem of Pakistan is            Hafiz Jalendhri
70.  Who was the Prime Minister of Pakistan when our 1956 Constitution was framed?            Ch. Muhammaa Ali
71.  Which national leader of Pakistan was unanimously selected by the Muslim world to address the United Nations)            Zia ul Haq
72.  When India referred the dispute of Jammu & Kashmir to the U N?            December 1947
73.  When USSR was dismembered?            1991
74.  Who laid the foundation of the British-India Association?            Sir Syed
75.  First population census in Pakistan was conducted in____            1951
76.  The length of the Indus River is______ km            3105
77.  _______ is the oldest Barrage of Pakistan.            Sukkur
78.  Which dam was built first by Pakistan?            Warsak
79.  The Headquarter of U. N. Security Council is located in            New York
80.  The strongest muscle of the Human body is. in the            jaws
81.  Total bones in a human being are:            206
82.  The carbon dioxide inhaled in air is approximately______            0.04%
83.  Pakistan won the Cricket World Cup in____            1992
84.  Division of military assets between Pakistan & Bharat after their independence was fixed at the ratio of_____            36:64%
85.  The length of Siachen Glacier is_______ km.            72
86.  The currency of Norway is known as            Krone
87.  Average male brain weights______ ounces.            49
88.  Average female brain weights_______ ounces.            44
89.  Sea-horse is a______            fish
90.  _____ is called Lady of the Lamp.            Nightingale
91.  In a Republic head of the state is known as            President
92.  Who was the first Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Pakistan?            Abdul Rashid
93.  Pushtuns form______ % ratio of population in Afghanistan.            40%
94.  The coastline of Afghanistan is km.            none of these
95.  When European single currency Euro was launched?            1st January 1999
96.  Jerusalem is a holy city for the____            All of these
97.  Pakistan became the 57th member of UNO on            30 September 1947
98.  British Commonwealth was established in            1931
99.  _______is the largest island of the world.            Australia
100.  Quaid-i-Azam's favcurite game was            Billiard