Junior Clerk (BPS-11)
Board of Revenue Punjab (Directorate of Land Records) (2021)   
1.  Which Indian pilot was captured in 2019 by Pakistan?            Abhinandan
2.  Bats use ____________ for path at night.            Ultraviolet
3.  Kashmir Valley was purchased by Gulab Singh for:            7.5 Million
4.  The first woman deputy chairman of senate of Pakistan was:            Dr. Noor Jahan
5.  In the UK, who is first in line for the throne?            Prince of Wales
6.  The highest peak of Koh-e-Suleman is:            Takht-e-Suleman
7.  Rawalpindi conspiracy case was initiated in:            1951
8.  The incumbent SAPM on CPEC is:            Khalid Mansoor
9.  Hingol Dam is situated in:            Baluchistan
10.  NATO was founded in:            1949
11.  After leav}ng American forces who takes the charge of Kabul airport            Turkey
12.  The capital of Turkey is:            Ankara
13.  The capital of Sindh is:            Karachi
14.  Mound of Dead is also known as:            Mohenjo-Daro
15.  The Purest form of water can be obtained from            Rain water
16.  Which gas is used in balloons?            Helium
17.  The Earth rotates around its:            Axis
18.  Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan got fame due to his association with:            Qawali
19.  The CEO of Amazon is in / 2021:            Andy Jassy
20.  Pakistan is connected to which country with the Wakhan Corridor?            Afghanistan
21.  Siachen Glacier is in which range?            Karakoram
22.  How many members were there in the Cabinet Mission Plan?            3
23.  In which university was the Bitcoin currency first introduced?            Nicosia
24.  What did the AJK (Azad Jammu and Kashmir) frontier people want during the 1947 independence?            Independent from Pakistan and India
25.  Which vitamin is obtained from the sun?            D
26.  Which famous actor debuted from the drama "Umrao Jaan Ada" in 2003?            Imran Abbas
27.  Jallianwala Bagh massacre is related to which general?            Gen. Dyer
28.  Who was the Viceroy at the time of the Shimla Conference?            Lord Wavell
29.  The last ruler of USSR was:            Mikhail Gorbachev
30.  Harappa is situated in:            Sahiwal
31.  "Pakistan: The Formative Phase" is a book written by:            Khalid B. Saeed
32.  Which gas is used in airships?            Helium
33.  What is the average weight of the male brain?            49 ounces
34.  What does Schengen Area mean?            Free movement without passport check
35.  What is the Great Bear?            Lake
36.  Who was the first ruler of the Slave Dynasty?            Qutb ud din Aibak
37.  Who was the President of the USA during the Cuban missile U2 incident on October 14, 1962?            John F. Kennedy
38.  What was the purpose of the Marshall Plan in 1948?            Foreign aid to Western Europe
39.  Pakistani player Hassan Habib is associated with which sport?            Poker
40.  In which year did Pakistan win the Cricket World Cup?            1992
41.  Which player remained champion in squash for 5 years?            Jahangir Khan
42.  Which country is situated in both Asia and Africa?            Egypt
43.  Where is Keti Sunder situated?            Sindh
44.  On which date did Israel attack Masjid-e-Aqsa?            10 May 2021
45.  On which date did the Indian Parliament pass the Citizenship Act?            11 December 2019
46.  In which year did the Ojhri Camp incident occur?            1988
47.  If rooms are not ventilated, which gas is produced in the room?            Radon
48.  Which is the largest continent by population?            Asia
49.  This is _____ of all trees            Shorter of all
50.  Change the narration: He said to me, "I want you to attend the party."            He told me that he wanted me to have attended the party.
51.  The antonym of "Anomalous" is:            Visual
52.  The antonym of "Brevity" is:            Prolixity
53.  Books __ in childhood was very interesting.            Reading
54.  Choose the correct analogy from __ launch: breakfast: lunch            Countdown
55.  Choose an analogous pair: Poverty: Prosperity            Intelligence: Stupidity
56.  To be old as the hills means            To be very ancient
57.  He is died___ corona.            of
58.  The synonym of "Eradicate" is:            Eliminate
59.  The synonym of "Fragile" is:            Weak
60.  It is a time____ out.            to go
61.  Don't judge a book by its __ .            Page
62.  Who visited Saudi Arabia to resist in conditions between countries brief to PM Imran Khan ago and after agreeing to visit Saudi Arabia?            Qamar Javed Bajwa
63.  The third stage of the Rostow Model is:            Take off
64.  Two high tides and two low tides of nearly equal level each lunar day is called:            Semidiurnal tide
65.  0.005 x 0.2 =            0.01
66.  The mean proportional between 2 and 8 is:            4
67.  The average age of 3 friends is 23. Even if the age of a 4th friend is added, the average becomes 23. What is the age of the 4th friend?            23
68.  In a set S: {0, 2, 4, 5, 9}. Which number, if skipped in the set, maintains the same average?            4
69.  If a/3 = b/2 then find 3a + 2b / 3b - 2a:            12/5
70.  The solution of (1+1/x) (1+1/x+1) (1+1/x+2) (1 + 1/x + 3) is:            x + 4/x
71.  Express the recurring decimal 0.125125 as a rational number.            125/999
72.  A man walked for 1/3 hour and then got an automobile ride for 1/2 hour. What part of time consumed did he ride in the automobile?            3/5 (0.6)
73.  Which is not a multitasking operating system?            DOS
74.  The capacity of a compact disk is:            700 MB
75.  The best technology to save data on a disk is:            Laser
76.  Graphics and text can be seen clearly on:            Print layout
77.  Which is included in a desktop computer?            All of these
78.  In MS Word, we can create another copy of documents by:            Save
79.  The first operating system was developed in:            1950
80.  IC stands for:            Integrated circuit
81.  Dot Matrix is a type of:            Printer
82.  Eight bits is equal to ____ byte.            1
83.  ہجری کس کی پیدائش کا سال ہے؟            امام مسلم
84.  بیت عقبہ ثانیہ کب ہوئی؟            12 نبوی
85.  حضرت ابراھیم کس ام المومنین کے بطن سے پیدا ہوئے؟            حضرت ماریه قطیبه
86.  فتح مکہ کے وقت کتنے کفار مارے گئے؟            28
87.  حضرت عمر کا قبیلہ کون سا تھا؟            بنو عدی
88.  حضرت ابو بکر صدیق گوتدون قرآن کا مشورہ کس نے دیا؟            حضرت عمر فاروق
89.  اخوان المسلمون کا تعلق کہاں سے ہے؟            مصر
90.  شاہ ولی اللہ کے نزدیک منسوخ آیات کی تعداد کتنی ہے؟            پانچ
91.  شبلی نعمانی کی تصنیف شعر العجم کا تعلق کسی صنف ہے؟            تنقید
92.  نانگا پربت اور راکا پوشی کس کی تصانیف ہیں؟            مستنصر حسین تارڑ
93.  مرزا نوشہ کس کا لقب ہے؟            مرزا غالب
94.  ______ درست ضرب المثل ہے گھوڑے بیچ کر            سونا
95.  ____درست ضرب المثل ہے نو نقد نہ تیرا            اد ھار
96.  محاورہ سانپ سونگھ جانا کے معنی ہیں؟            خاموشی چھا جانا
97.  اقبال کے بارے میں کس شاعر نے پہلے ہی کہہ دیا تھا کہ یہ شہرہ آفاق شاعر بنے گا؟            ارشد گورگانی
98.  ان میں سے تقسیم ہند کے موضوع پر کون سا ناول ہے ؟            خاک اور خون
99.  ابن انشا کی کتاب دریائے لطافت کس بارے میں ہے ؟            اردو گرامر و قواعد
100.  شعر میں امید آرزو مندی اور مثبت رویوں کے لئے کون سی اصطلاح استعمال ہوتی ہے؟            رجائیت