Agriculture Department (2022)   
1.  Animals reserved energy stored in:            Glycogen
2.  Tomato is which type of plant            Fruit
3.  The longest river of Pakistan is:            Indus
4.  Bronze is an alloy of:            Copper-Tin
5.  In 2022 Turkey changed which Church in Mosque:            Hagia Sophia
6.  When US helped Pakistan in Economic aid for the first time?            1947
7.  Who invented Steam Engine?            James Watt
8.  The headquarters of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) is situated at:            Vienna
9.  In methane the ratio of atoms of Carbon and Hydrogen is            1:4
10.  Who discovered the Solar system?            Copernicus
11.  The interest rate of State bank of Pakistan is:            8.75%
12.  who disbanded Punjab Boundary in August 1947            Both A & B
13.  Which mountain is called Killer Mountain?            Nanga Parbat
14.  When British announced NWFP separating form Punjab            1901
15.  Which mountain peak is also known as K4?            Gasherbrum II
16.  Who first discover the Wonders of the World            Antipater
17.  Who was the last king of lran?            Raza Shah Pehlevi
18.  The first transgender school opened in 23 February 2019 in            Lodhran
19.  Fourth Industrial revolution (4IR) means:            Internet of things
20.  20th Amendment signed by President Asif Ali Zardari on:            28 February 2012
21.  Tashkent is the capital of            Uzbekistan
22.  By Which amendment 8th Amendment was restored'            None of these
23.  When Nawab Waqar ul Mulk become the secretary of Ali Garh Institute            1907
24.  In 1764 Battle of Buxar who lead from East India Company            Munro
25.  The first person who climbed the Nanga Parbat            Hermann BuhL
26.  World Diabetes Day is observed every year across the world on            14 November
27.  In 1906 who led Simla Deputation to meet Viceroy            Sir Agha Khan
28.  South beach is in            Florida
29.  The latest book of lshtiaq Ahmad is            Jinnah: His Successes Failures and Role in History
30.  The FIM-92 Stinger manually used technology is practiced in which war            Afghan War
31.  Central Place Theory was first presented by            Walter Christaller
32.  Who is/was the current Prime Minister of Azad Jammu and Kashmir in 2022?            Sardar Abdul Qayyum Khan Niazi
33.  How many nuclear power plants are under construction in Pakistan ?            None of these
34.  The Supreme Commander of Pakistan Army is:            President
35.  The function of WTO is____            Trade related mattrs
36.  US-Afghanistan peace agreement in February 2020 was signed at:            Doha
37.  In 2019 US deputy defense secretary warns . which country about testing nuclear weapons            Syria
38.  The Arabian confluence temperature contrast in summer or winter to the coastal of Pakistan            Decreases
39.  What generally happens to air temperature as we move from the equator to.the poles?            Decreases
40.  Pure limestone is called            Calcium Carbonate
41.  Which gas is used in fire extinguisher?            Nitrogen
42.  In railway tracks a small gap is left between the rails            To allow for the expansion during heat
43.  Syed Mehdi Ali was real name of:            Mohsin ul Mulk
44.  When Pakistan conducted nuclear test            28 May 1998
45.  Who abrogated 1962 Constitution and became CMLA?            Yahya Khan
46.  Who was the first viceroy of British India?            Canning
47.  When did Quaid-e-Azam join All India Muslim league:            1913
48.  The books "The Murder of History", "The Pakistani Historian" and "Britain and Muslim India were written by            Khalid Khursheed Aziz
49.  The book "Risala Asbab-e-Baghawat-e-Hind was written by            Sir Syed Ahmad Khan
50.  Which country is located in the west of Pakistan:            Iran
51.  The smallest population country is            Vatican City
52.  As of 2017 how many countries were recognized as nuclear states?            08
53.  Which heating element is most effective?            Nichrome
54.  Select the pair which has the same relationship. Pawpaw: orange: onion            None of these
55.  "Give cold shoulder" means___            To ignore
56.  Choose the correct sentence : The house catch a fire            Caught fire
57.  If he come to me, I would have helped him.            Came
58.  If we buying___ shop we must get__profit.            Ourselves/Our
59.  Nazir said, "I did my duty with full justice            Nazir said that he had done his duty- with full justices.
60.  Choose the synonym of Vituperate            Abuse
61.  Choose the antonym of Ostentatious            Unpretentious
62.  Mirror' is related to 'Reflection' in the same way as 'Water' is related to            Refraction
63.  How many MODS in Verb.            Three
64.  Change voice "Did you visit a zoo?"            Was a zoo visited by you
65.  We have got plenty of time for work. We _ not hurry.            Need
66.  The main purpose for UN framework convention on climate change is:            To reduce emission of CO2
67.  In a class each student learns a foreign language. If three learn Spanish, one fourth learns Italian and remaining will be learning French. What percent of class is learning French?            15%
68.  Which method is used for next slide in PowerPoint            All of these
69.  Which of the following displays the content of active cell in MS Excel?            Formula Bar
70.  In which language is source program written            High level
71.  In Email we can attach ____            All of these
72.  Which key is used to open new tab in internet explorer?            CTRL+T
73.  From 2008 to 2009, the sales of a book decreased by 80%. If the sale in 2010 was the same as in 2008, by what per cent did it increase from 20.09 to 20102            400%
74.  The price of an article is cut by 20%. In order to restore the reduced price to the original value, by how much must the rescued price be increased?            25%
75.  If heart beat beats 72 times in one minute then how many seconds it beats 210 times:            175
76.  A person bought camera in Rs 1800 and sold it for 10% loss. How much price he finally got            1620
77.  A project of construction of a building can be completed by 150 workers in 40 days. But . project manager brought 30 more workers after 16 days. In how many days will the remaining work be finished?            20 days
78.  30% of a number when subtracted from 9 1, gives the number itself. Find the number            70
79.  If x = 0. 5and y =0.2, then the value of √0.6 x (3y)²            0.6
80.  The average of 6 numbers is 30. If the average of the first four is 25 and that of the last three is 35, the fourth umber is            25
81.  Social boycott of Banu Hashim took place in _____ Nabvi            7th
82.  The First Ghazwa of Islam is            Abwa
83.  ہجرت کے چوتھے سال کون سی عظیم ہستی پیدا ہوئی؟            ؓامام حسین
84.  فتح مکہ کے وقت مکہ میں داخل ہوتے وقت آپ میں یہ نہم کے ساتھ اونٹنی پر کون سوار تھا؟            ؓحضرت اسامہ بن زید
85.  نفع دینے والی چیز کیا کہلاتی ہے؟            انفاق
86.  قریش اور کنانہ قبیلے نے کب بنو ہاشم کا بائیکاٹ کیا؟            سات نبوی
87.  کس یہودی کی بیٹی آپ ﷺ کے نکاح میں آئی تھیں؟            حیی بن اخطب
88.  اگر کسی انسان کا عمل اسے پیچھے کر دے تو اسے کیا کہتے ہیں؟            اس کی نسبت اسے آگے نہیں کرتی
89.  آں دفتر را گاؤ خورد سے مراد ہے؟            تباہ و برباد ہونا
90.  آمین کس زبان کا لفظ ہے ؟            عبرانی
91.  معاشرہ عربی زبان کا لفظ ہے اس کے وہاں کیا معنی ہیں؟            مل جل کر رہنا
92.  ابن بطوطہ کے تعاقب میں کس کا سفر نامہ ہے ؟            این انشا
93.  دہلی کالج کب بنا؟            1792
94.  خوجی کا کردار کس کی تخلیق ہے؟            رتن ناتھ سرشار
95.  میدان عمل کس کی کتاب ہے؟            پریم چند
96.  لاحقے کی نشاندہی کریں؟            تربیت یافته
97.  ولی محمد کس شاعر کا نام ہے؟            اکبر آلہ آبادی
98.  غالب کو کس نواب کی طرف سے وظیفہ ملتا تھا؟            نواب یوسف علی خان
99.  عمر دراز مانگ کے لائے تھے چاردن دو آرزو میں کٹ گئے دو انتظار میں یہ شعر کس کا ہے؟            بہادر شاہ ظفر
100.  دم رخصت وہ چپ رہے عابد آنکھ میں پھیلتا گیا کا جل یہ شعر کس کا ہے؟            سید عابد علی عابد