Lecturer History (BPS-17)
Punjab Higher Education Department (2015)   
1.  Tuzuk-e-Babari was originally written in:            Turkish
2.  Muntakhab-ut-Tawarikh was written by:            Abdul Qadir Razi
3.  Humayun Nama was an account of personal memoir of:            Gulbadan Begum
4.  Tuzuk-e-Jahangiri was initially written by:            Jahangir
5.  In the battle of Khanwa, Babur defeated:            Rana Sanga
6.  On his accession to the throne, Humayun gave his brother Kamran:            Kabul & Kandahar
7.  To further secularism in India, Mughal Rajput alliance was made by:            Akbar
8.  In 1615, Sir Thomas Roe was sent by the English King to the court of:            Jahangir
9.  Mujaddid-e-Alf-e-Sani advocated the concept of            Wahdatul Shahood
10.  The Mughal Empire reached its decline partially because of religious fundamentalism of:            Aurangzeb
11.  During 1737-38, Shah Wali-Ullah translated the Quran into:            Persian
12.  In June 1757, the battle of Plassey was fought between the forces of the East India Company and:            Siraj-ud-Daulah
13.  After defeating Tipu Sultan, the East India Company got control of:            Bombay
14.  Lord Dalhousie's annexation policy and doctrine of Lapse created unrest in:            Princes
15.  Rani of Jhansi wholeheartedly contributed to the war of:            Independence
16.  The East India Company's last Governor-General in India was:            Lord Canning
17.  Risala Asbab-e-Baghawat-e-Hind was written by:            Sir Syed Ahmad Khan
18.  In the 19th century India, Sir Syed Ahmad Khan launched a struggle against:            English
19.  To create a responsible and loyal opposition, Sir A.O. Hume founded in 1885:            Indian National Congress
20.  ln October'1905 partition of Bangla was made for:            Administrative Convenience
21.  Simla Deputation of 1906 got accepted the important demand of:            Separate electorate for Muslims
22.  The annulment of the partition of Bengal was made under:            Hindu pressure
23.  All India Muslim League was formed on December 30, _____:            1906
24.  One of the early objectives of the All India Muslim League was:            Loyalty to British Govt.
25.  Minto-Morley reforms' very important context was the introduction of:            Separate electorate
26.  One of the main characters of the "Silk Letter Conspiracy" was:            Ubaid-Ullah Sindhi
27.  The main culprit of Jallianwala Bagh tragedy was General:            Dyer
28.  Montagu-Chelmsford reforms introduced a system called:            Oligarchy
29.  Sir Muhammad Iqbal presided over the Muslim League's annual session at Allahabad in:            1930
30.  Congress ministries left the offices in 1939. The occasion was celebrated by Indian Muslims as:            Day of Deliverance
31.  All Indian Muslim League in its annual session passed the:            Lahore Resolution
32.  Cripps Mission came to India in March:            1942
33.  The Cabinet Mission Plan suggested to divide the whole country into:            Three
34.  Before becoming the Governor General, Nazimuddin was the Chief Minister of:            Punjab
35.  Before becoming the Punjab CM, Feroz Khan Noon was the Governor of:            East Pakistan
36.  Nazimuddin ministry was dismissed by the Governor General:            Ghulam Muhammad
37.  Objectives Resolution was passed during the Prime Ministership of:            Liaquat Ali Khan
38.  Steps to stop smuggling at the Eastern border were taken during the Government of:            I.I. Chundrigar
39.  The first Martial Law in Pakistan was imposed in:            1958
40.  Ayub Khan's electoral symbol in the presidential election was:            Rose
41.  Constitution of 1962 introduced one of the following in the country:            Indirect Democracy
42.  Rigging in the election was first initiated in the country by the Government of:            Ayub Khan
43.  After winning the Presidential election, Ayub Khan started a strategic war with India in:            1965
44.  In East Pakistan, the election of 1970 was swept by:            Mujeeb ur Rehman
45.  East Pakistan separated from the west in December:            1971
46.  Indus Water Treaty disallowed Pakistan to use water of one of the following rivers:            Sutlej
47.  SEATO was made to encircle:            China
48.  CENTO was focused on:            Middle East
49.  Simla Agreement between India and Pakistan was signed by:            Bhutto-Indira Gandhi
50.  Pakistan's nuclear project was founded by:            Z.A. Bhutto
51.  Abdul Muttalib was Hashim's:            Son
52.  Hazrat Amina belonged to a famous tribe:            Banu Zahra
53.  The first wife of Holy Prophet was:            Business Woman
54.  At the time of construction of Kaaba in 606 A.D., Holy Prophet solved a dispute of:            Hajar-e-Aswad
55.  Prophet Muhammad received the first revelation in the cave of:            Hira
56.  The fundamental reason Quresh opposed the Holy Prophet was:            Equality
57.  Name the companion of the Prophet (PBUH) whose entrance into Islam helped the Muslims to pray openly:            Hazrat Umar
58.  In the 10th Nabvi year, Holy Prophet's very near Uncle died:            Hazrat Abu Talib
59.  Right after migration to Madina, Prophet Muhammad signed an agreement known as:            Medina Accord
60.  The first battle between Madina and Quresh of Mecca is known as:            Ghazwa-e-Uhud
61.  In the Battle of Uhud, the flag was given to:            Hazrat Musab bin Umair
62.  In the Battle of Uhud, the idea to dig around Medina was given by:            Salman Farsi
63.  After exile from Medina, the Jews of Banu Nazair gathered around:            Khaiber
64.  Hudaibia was the name of a:            Well
65.  The Battle of Tabouk was an expedition against:            Rome
66.  The Last Sermon (Khutba e Hujatul Wida) was delivered in the Hijri year of:            10th
67.  Abu Bakr was elected as the first Caliph after a debate among different tribes at:            Saqifa Bani Saada
68.  The first Caliph launched an operation against:            Zakat Refusals
69.  To maintain wartime discipline, Caliph Umar took action against one of his military Generals:            Khalid bin Waleed
70.  After a lengthy political process Abdul Rehman bin Auf decided to make Hazrat Usman the 3rd Caliph because he agreed to follow Allah, Muhammad and:            Hadiths
71.  Abdullah bin Saba was newly converted from:            Judaism
72.  Hazrat Usman allowed a family to come back once sent to exile by Holy Prophet:            Hakam bin Aas
73.  'Renaissance,' a French word, means:            Rebirth
74.  Leonardo Da Vinci is best known for his famous painting:            Mona Lisa
75.  "The Prince," a political treatise, was written by:            Machiavelli
76.  Vasco da Gama, who was the first to successfully sail from Europe to India in 1498, was:            Portuguese
77.  'Reformation' in European History means:            Revolt against religion
78.  Napoleon took control of large amounts of mainland Europe but failed to subdue:            England
79.  World War 1 ended in:            1918
80.  World War II began in:            1938
81.  After World War II, the state of politico-military tension between the US and Russia was:            Cold War
82.  To join hands independently of the two blocks of the Cold War era meant to join:            Non-Aligned Movement
83.  Founder of Buddhism was:            Shakyamuni
84.  Founder of Jainism was:            Mahavira
85.  Remains of Mesopotamian civilization are still available in:            Iraq
86.  Han Dynasty had ruled in ancient:            China
87.  Japan is situated in:            Far East Asia
88.  Which of the countries is the largest one in territory:            Russian Federation
89.  Which of the following regions in the Indian subcontinent is known as the land of 5 rivers:            Punjab
90.  Great explorer Christopher Columbus was:            Italian
91.  Martin Luther King Junior was a:            Social Activist
92.  The first American President was:            George Washington
93.  Americans purchased Alaska from:            Russia
94.  Vietnam War was lost by:            USA
95.  The last Viceroy of India was:            Lord Mountbatten
96.  United Nations' Charter was signed in:            1945
97.  The Cold War era's Afghan War was, in a way, a victory of:            USA
98.  Author of "In the Line of Fire" was:            Pervez Musharraf
99.  Author of "If I am Assassinated" was:            Z.A. Bhutto
100.  The Incident of 9/11 occurred in the year of:            2001