Pakistan Studies: History 1857-1947

Quit India Movement 1942
QNo.1    The quiet India movement was launched on which date.
10th July 1942.
8th August 1942.
11th September 1942.
20th October 1942.
QNo.2    After the failure of which mission, the famous quit India movement was launched.
Cripps Mission
Johns Mission
Irwin Mission
Mountbatten Mission
QNo.3    Who among the farming caught the movement of Gandhi as "Rajnitik Firauti"
Lord Linlithgow
Lord Canning
Lord Wellington
Lord Wellesley
QNo.4    Who was the commander in chief of India during the time of quit India movement?
Lord Canning
Lord Wellington
Lord Linlithgow
Lord Waival
QNo.5    The quiet India movement was started at which place.
QNo.6    Who give the slogan "Quit India"?
Mahatma Gandhi
Jawaharlal Nehru
Yusuf Meharally
Aruna Asaf Ali
QNo.7    Who was the prime minister of England during the time of quiet India movement?
Wintson Churchil
Ramsay McDonald
Stanley Boaldwin
Neville Chamberlain
QNo.8    Which of the following does not support the "Quit India movement"?
Hindu Mahasabha
The Muslim League
All of these
QNo.9    Quit India movement 1942 is also called
January movement.
March movement.
August movement.
None of these.
QNo.9    Quit India movement 1942 is also called
January movement.
March movement.
August movement.
None of these.
QNo.11    Gandhi raised the slogan of "Quit India" which slogan did Quaid-e-Azam rise in 1943 to counter it
Divide and Quit
Divide Hindustan
Quite and Fight
Divide and Rule