Pakistan Studies: Geography of Pakistan

QNo.1    Name the Pass which connects Abbotabad and Gilgirt
Babusar Pass
Tochi Pass
Bolan Pass
Dargai Pass
QNo.2    Name the Pass which connects Dir with Kohistan district ___
Dargai Pass
Badawi Pass
Kilik Pass
Tochi Pass
QNo.3    Which is the highest Pass in Pakistan, an ancient trading route between Kashmir and China situated at the height of 5575 meters?
Karakoram Pass
Badawi Pass
Babusar Pass
Khan Kun Pass
QNo.4    Name the Pass which connects Sindh Plain with Quetta
Boroghill Pass
Kilik Pass
Khan Kun Pass
Bolan Pass
QNo.5    Name the Pass which connects Chitral with Wahkan
Baroghil Pass
Mataka Pass
Dorah Pass
Muztagh Pass
QNo.6    Which Pass connects Mardan with Malakand?
Gomal Pass
Dargai Pass
Tochi Pass
Dorah Pass
QNo.7    Which Pass connects Dera Ismail Khan with Ghazni (Afghanistan)?
Dargai Pass
Bolan Pass
Gomal Pass
Tochi Pass
QNo.8    Khan Kun Pass connects which areas of Pakistan and Afghanistan?
Chitral with Ghazni
Cheman with Jalalabad
Dera Ismail Khan with Gazni
Chitral with Wahkan
QNo.9    Which Pass connects Qila Abdullah with Cheman?
Mintaka Pass
Khojak Pass
Dorah Pass
Muztagh Pass
QNo.10    What is the height of Khunjrab Pass?
4451 meters
4555 meters
4671 meters
4918 meters
QNo.11    The world's highest Passes such as Khunjrab Lawari and Shandoor are situated in which mountain range?
Himalayas range
Wester mountain range
Karakoram range
Hindukush range
QNo.12    Which historical Pass connects Peshawar with Afghanistan?
Bolan Pass
Gomal Pass
Lawari Pass
Khyber Pass
QNo.13    What is the total length of Khyber Pass?
56 Kilometers
59 Kilometers
53 Kilometers
63 Kilometers
QNo.14    Which Pass connects Gilgit with China It is situated at the height of 4827 meters.
Khan Kun Pass
Malakand Pass
Zagar Pass
Baroghill Pass
QNo.15    Which Pass connects Peshawar with Chitral?
Malakand Pass
Dargai Pass
Bolan Pass
Baroghil Pass
QNo.16    Which Pass connects Baltistan and Yarkand (China)?
Muztagh Pass
Peiwar Kotal Pass
Malakand Pass
Khan Kun Pass
QNo.17    Which of the following Pass is the highest Pass of Pakistan?
Khunjrab Pass
Malakand Pass
Muztagh Pass
Khan Kun Pass
QNo.18    In which range of mountain Khyber Pass is situated?
Karakoram range
Himalayas range
Hindu Kush range
QNo.19    Name the Pass situated at the height of 4555 meters connecting Chitral with China ---.
Khunjrab Pass
Dorah Pass
Khan Kun Pass
Malakand Pass
QNo.20    Which Pass connects Chitral with Gilgit and is just 381 meters long?
Lawari Pass
Shangla Pass
Malakand Pass
Shaundur Pass
QNo.21    Kilik Pass is situated in ---
Karakoram range
Hindu Kush range
Himalayas range
Sulaiman range
QNo.22    Name the Pass which connects Bannu (Pakistan) and Ghazni (Afghanistan) •
Tochi Pass
Bolan Pass
Daragai Pass
Kilik Pass
QNo.23    Name the Pass which connects Dir and Chitral
Lawari Pass
Babusar Pass
Bolan Pass
Daragai Pass
QNo.24    Which is the highest point of the Khyber Pass?
Landi Kotal
Nooran Shah
Shandur Peak
QNo.25    What is the height of Landi Kotal?
3100 feet
3300 feet
3400 feet
3500 feet
QNo.26    Name the Pass which connects Upper Swat and Lower Swat
Shandur Pass
Shangla Pass
Tochi Pass
Zagar Pass
QNo.27    Which Pass is also known as Toba Kaker Pass?
Khojak Pass
Tochi Pass
Khyber Pass
Lawari Pass
QNo.28    Name the Pass which connects Chitral withNooristan (Afghanistan)
Dorah Pass
Gomal Pass
Malakand Pass
Karakoram Pass